Planning Division
What We Do
Planning helps guide community growth and development to enhance quality of life, protect the natural environment, ensure the continued availability of essential public services, promote stable neighborhoods and vibrant business centers, and involve citizens and other stakeholders in decisions that affect them.
"Early and Often"
If you are thinking of bringing a new development project to New Port Richey that might require zoning approvals, Planning strongly encourages you to meet with us "Early and Often," preferably before any project design work has begun. Whether you are the developer, land planner, or the property owner, Planning will arrange a meeting with members of various City departments to discuss your potential project and conceptual site plan early in the design process.
Core responsibilities and functions of the Development Department Planning Division include the following.
Long-Range Planning
- Growth management, redevelopment and special overlay districts
- Professional support for land use, development, and urban design policy
- Transportation planning
- Participation in regional planning initiatives, including regional transportation
- Public engagement for local planning initiatives
Comprehensive Planning
The City of New Port Richey Comprehensive Plan is an official document adopted by City Council that guides decision making on the physical, economic, and social aspects of the community. The plan contains goals, objectives, and policies-including the Future Land Use Map and Future Transportation Map - that serve as the City's 10-year blueprint for growth and development.
Florida's Community Planning Act requires that all local governments adopt a Comprehensive Plan, in part to ensure that necessary infrastructure will be in place to serve current and future residents. This concept, known as concurrency, is based on adopted level of service standards for certain public facilities and services, such as roads, parks, and drinking water supply systems.
Community involvement is integral to developing the Comprehensive Plan, which is updated every seven years following an evaluation and appraisal process. The City engages the community in process to determine if the plan continues to:
- Accurately reflect current and anticipated conditions
- Embody the community vision for the city
- Address public infrastructure needs
- Comply with applicable state laws
- Be consistent with state and regional policy plans
The City of New Port Richey 2020 Comprehensive Plan includes several chapters (known as "elements"):
- Introduction to Comprehensive Plan and Appendices(PDF, 207KB)
- Capital Improvements Element(PDF, 528KB)
- Coastal Management Element(PDF, 386KB)
- Conservation Element(PDF, 341KB)
- Future Land Use Element(PDF, 544KB)
- Housing Element(PDF, 422KB)
- Infrastructure Element(DOCX, 327KB)
- Intergovernmental Coordination Element(DOCX, 111KB)
- Livable Cities Element, Part 1 of 4(PDF, 186KB)
- Livable Cities Element, Part 2 of 4(PDF, 2MB)
- Livable Cities Element, Part 3 of 4(DOC, 7MB)
- Livable Cities Element, Part 4 of 4(DOC, 6MB)
- Recreation /Open Space Element(PDF, 374KB)
- Public Schools Facilities Element(PDF, 3MB)
- Transportation Element(PDF, 713KB)
- Water Supply Facilities Work Plan(PDF, 588KB)
- Maps(PDF, 665KB)
Redevelopment Planning
The City's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Redevelopment Plan(PDF, 3MB) provides a framework for projects and activities intended to revitalize and improve conditions within the New Port Richey Community Redevelopment Area. The plan outlines redevelopment strategies and provides a description of the various projects and programs that are being implemented within the area.
The City's first CRA Redevelopment Plan was adopted by the CRA Board (City Council) in 1989. Updates to the plan were adopted in 2001 and 2012.
Florida's Community Redevelopment Act outlines the required steps for establishing a community redevelopment area and creating/updating a redevelopment plan.
Regional Planning
The City participates in long range transportation planning in conjunction with the Pasco County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The MPO is responsible for countywide transportation planning and in doing so engages local governments and citizens in the planning and decision making processes. A member of the City Council represents the City on MPO Board. The Development Department Director is a member of the MPO Technical Advisory Committee and Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee. The MPO Citizens Advisory Committee is an opportunity for city residents to provide input on transportation plans and projects.
Current Planning
- Development proposal compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable codes and laws
- Liaison to the City's Development Review Committee and Land Development Review Board
- Consultation with property owners and developers to achieve high-quality, consistent design of buildings, sites, and infrastructure
- Consultation with prospective new businesses
Zoning Review
The Planning Division reviews Zoning Clearance applications for starting a new business and permits for new commercial and residential construction, build-outs, parking, signs, fences, landscaping, etc.
The City's Land Development Code - Chapter 7 outlines the zoning district regulations that determine how land may be used within the New Port Richey incorporated area based on a land use classification called zoning. A zoning district is assigned to each parcel of land by the City Council, and the zoning district regulations specify allowed uses, maximum intensity and general layout of development, and required infrastructure such as vehicle parking spaces and landscaping.
City zoning is maintained by the Development Department. To check current zoning information, call the development department. You will need to provide the parcel identification number or street address.
A note of caution: Zoning information obtained from other sources, such as the Pasco County Property Appraiser, may not reflect the most up-to-date zoning information and, therefore, should not be relied on for investment decisions or other important actions.
Development Review
Development review includes looking at how land is proposed to be used and developed, and comparing that with the Comprehensive Plan policies (including Future Land Use Map), zoning district regulations and other provisions of the Land Development Code, and other applicable standards, regulations, and laws.
Development Department staff serves as the case managers for projects undergoing development review, and are responsible for distributing case information to the City's Development Review Committee and other local and state agencies. Staff provides guidance to property owners, developers, design professionals, and other interested persons about the development review process and requirements, and reports their findings and recommendations on the case to City decision-making bodies.
Development Applications
A development review may require multiple applications to accomplish the property owner's desired use and development of a property, such as:
Process - Scheduling Pre-Application Meetings with Development Review Committee (DRC)
The City's Development Review Committee (DRC) provide an informal pre-application meeting where potential projects can be presented and reviewed by staff from various departments involved in the development review and permitting processes (Development, Engineering, Fire, Police, and Public Works). The committee will review both conceptual and detailed plans and will provide feedback and guidance based on the materials presented at the meeting.
The DRC meets each Thursday, starting at 10:30 am with customers. Meetings are held in the Development Department located on the first floor of City Hall, 5919 Main Street.
If you are thinking of bringing a new development project to New Port Richey, the Development Department strongly encourages you to meet with us before you begin any project design work. Whether you are the developer, land planner, or the property owner, the Development Department will arrange a meeting with members of various City departments to discuss your potential project and conceptual site plans early in the design process.
To schedule an appointment with the DRC, please contact the Development Department.