Business Impact Estimates
During the 2023 Florida Legislative Session, Senate Bill 170 was passed which enacted a provision in Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, that the governing bodies of all municipalities must prepare a business impact estimate for all ordinances prior to enactment except where exempted under State Statute. This new law became effective as of October 1, 2023.
The business impact estimate shall include the following:
1. A summary of the proposed ordinance, including a statement of the public purpose to be served by the proposed ordinance, such as serving the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of the municipality.
2. An estimate of the direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the municipality, including the following, if any:
- An estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur if the ordinance is enacted;
- Identification of any new charge or fee on businesses subject to the proposed ordinance, or for which businesses will be financially responsible; and
- An estimate of the municipality’s regulatory costs, including an estimate of revenues from any new charges or fees that will be imposed on businesses to cover such costs.
3. A good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the ordinance.
4. Any additional information the governing body determines may be useful.
Business Impact Estimate:
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2285(PDF, 149KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2286(PDF, 169KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2301(PDF, 167KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2302(PDF, 132KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2313(PDF, 563KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemptions:
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2283(PDF, 131KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2284(PDF, 127KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2291(PDF, 123KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2288(PDF, 123KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2289(PDF, 124KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2290(PDF, 121KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2293(PDF, 74KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2296(PDF, 74KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2297(PDF, 122KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2298(PDF, 99KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2299(PDF, 122KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2300(PDF, 122KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2294(PDF, 162KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2303(PDF, 175KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2292(PDF, 168KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Proposed ORD 2024-2304(PDF, 154KB)
Business Impact Estimate for Emergency Ordinance No. 2024-2312(PDF, 166KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2305(PDF, 172KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2306(PDF, 168KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2307(PDF, 142KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2308(PDF, 164KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2309(PDF, 128KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2310(PDF, 169KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2311(PDF, 162KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2024-2314(PDF, 165KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2025-2315(PDF, 132KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2025-2317(PDF, 121KB)
Business Impact Estimate Exemption for Proposed ORD 2025-2321(PDF, 124KB)
Proposed Ordinances:
ORD 2024-2283 Amendments to Firefighters’ Pension Ordinance Draft(PDF, 138KB)
ORD 2024-2284 Amendments to Police Pension Ordinance Draft(PDF, 159KB)
ORD 2024-2285 Amendments to Solid Waste Ordinance Draft(PDF, 463KB)
ORD 2024-2291 Rezoning for Sea Forest Drive and Green Key Road Ordinance Draft(PDF, 236KB)
ORD 2024-2288 Land Use Amendment for 6727 Trouble Creek Rd Ordinance Draft(PDF, 244KB)
ORD 2024-2289 Rezoning for 6727 Trouble Creek Rd Ordinance Draft(PDF, 278KB)
ORD 2024-2290 Conditional Use for 6727 Trouble Creek Rd Ordinance Draft(PDF, 132KB)
ORD 2024-2293 R-4 Ordinance Draft(PDF, 121KB)
ORD 2024-2296 Amendment to Chapter 7 LDC RE: Indoor Storage for C-2 Ordinance Draft(PDF, 121KB)
ORD 2024-2297 Disposition of Surplus Property RE: 5306 Dartmouth Ave Ordinance Draft(PDF, 99KB)
ORD 2024-2298 Disposition of Surplus Property RE 5214 Idlewild St Ordinance Draft(PDF, 99KB)
ORD 2024-2299 Disposition of Surplus Property RE 5824 Louisiana Ave Ordinance Draft(PDF, 99KB)
ORD 2024-2300 Disposition of Surplus Property RE 7440 US Highway 19 Ordinance Draft(PDF, 147KB)
ORD 2024-2301 Amendment to Section 27-3 RE Public Art Ordinance Draft(PDF, 118KB)
ORD 2024-2294 Rezoning for the Cottages at Oyster Bayou Ordinance Draft(PDF, 710KB)
ORD 2024-2302 Creating the Flood Risk and Preparedness Public Information Committee Ordinance Draft(PDF, 186KB)
ORD 2024-2303 Amendments to Floodplain Management Ordinance Draft(PDF, 250KB)
ORD 2024-2292 Amendments to TDR Ordinance Draft(PDF, 140KB)
ORD 2024-2304 Amendments to Camping Ordinance Draft(PDF, 125KB)
ORD 2024-2286 Amendments to City Dock Ordinance Draft(PDF, 143KB)
Emergency Ordinance No. 2024-2312 Floodplain Ordinance(PDF, 121KB)
ORD 2024-2305 Moratorium for Leisure Lane-Van Doren Avenue Ordinance Draft(PDF, 1MB)
ORD 2024-2306 Land Use Amend 5.29 Acres PC ROR to City HC Ordinance Draft(PDF, 264KB)
ORD 2024-2307 Rezoning 5.29 Acres PC Res MH to HC Ordinance Draft(PDF, 206KB)
ORD 2024-2308 Land Use Amend 16 Acres PC ROR to City MDR20 Ordinance Draft(PDF, 253KB)
ORD 2024-2309 Rezoning 16 Acres PC MH to R4 Coastal Cottage Ordinance Draft(PDF, 154KB)
ORD 2024-2310 Land Use Amendment 23.69 Acres from Residential Office to MDR 20 Ordinance Draft(PDF, 257KB)
ORD 2024-2311 Rezoning 23.69 Acres from CR-3 to PDD Ordinance Draft(PDF, 539KB)
ORD2024-2313 Vacation ROW for High Street Ordinance Draft(PDF, 160KB)
ORD2024-2314 Amendments to Floodplain Ordinance Draft(PDF, 125KB)
ORD2025-2315 Home Based Businesses Ordinance Draft(PDF, 121KB)
ORD2025-2317 Amendments to Police Pension Ordinance Draft(PDF, 35KB)
ORD 2025-2321 Rezoning for 5422 Charles Street Ordinance Draft(PDF, 155KB)