Volunteer Opportunities
The City of New Port Richey has numerous volunteer boards and committees, in which members serve to make recommendations to the City Council. Members are appointed by the Council upon review of a completed Board Membership Application Formopens in a new window. To be eligible to serve on a city board or committee, you must be a registered voter and reside within the city limits with the exception of the Library Advisory Board which allows for a member to be a resident of Pasco County and the Cultural Affairs Committee which allows for a member to own a business within the city limits.
The following are New Port Richey’s boards and committees:
Cultural Affairs Committee
The Cultural Affairs Committee makes recommendations and advises the City Council regarding financial sponsorship and creation of activities promoting City residents’ cultural education and recreation. All members must be registered voters, and will serve for two years. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Recreation and Aquatic Center.
Environmental Committee
The Environmental Committee offers advisory opinions and recommendations to the City Council on environmental issues facing the city, serves as the planning committee for the City’s major environmental events, and explores new environmental initiatives. There are seven regular and two alternate members, and all are City residents with two year appointments. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 pm at the Library.
Land Development Review Board
The Land Development Review Board offers advisory opinions and recommendations to the City Council on matters involving the development of land within the City limits, and assists in preparation and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Development Code, and property variances. Members receive three-year appointments. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 2:00 pm in City Hall Council Chambers.
Library Advisory Board
The Library Advisory Board advises and assists the Library Director with library long-range planning, preparation of policies and procedures for the library, and submits reports to the Library Director and the City Council upon request. They may accept donations on behalf of the library. They serve three-year terms. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month at 9:30 am in the Library Meeting Room.
Parks and Recreation Board
This Board advises the City Council on the use of City parks, and promotes the use of City recreational facilities. Also, the Parks and Recreation Board assists the Director of Parks and Recreation in planning, promoting, and conducting recreational projects for citizens and visitors. Members serve for three years. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 am at the Recreation and Aquatic Center.