Pet Waste Management

Pet Waste Management

Pet Waste Management

Proper Pet Waste Disposal Methods

  • Take a bag with you on walks to pick up after your pet. Dispose of waste into the trash.
  • Pick up after your pets at home. Place all pet waste into a container and dispose of it into the trash.
  • Please don’t throw any type of pet waste or manure into gutters, storm drains, stream beds, or dry areas.
  • If you compost manure, please place the compost pile in an area that will not drain into a waterway or storm drain.
  • Place used cat litter in a container and dispose of it into the trash. Never flush cat litter down the toilet.
  • Cat waste can carry the pathogen toxoplasma gondii, which is contained in oocytes in the feces. The oocytes can pass through the wastewater treatment process, and are believed to contribute to otter morality.
  • Pet waste may not be the only source of pollution in our waterways, however, it is one small source that can add up to a big problem.

Pet Bathing

An idea is to bathe bets indoors in a bathtub or sink using less toxic shampoos, or consider having your pet professionally groomed. Pet shampoos and soaps, even when biodegradable, can have toxic chemicals. Consider using less toxic alternatives such as oral or topical flea control products. If you do use flea control products such as shampoos, sprays, or collars, please dispose of the unwanted or used quantities or items properly.

Pet Waste FAQs

Q. Should I pick up the pet waste in my own yard?
A. Yes, definitely! During a rainstorm, this waste can get washed out of your yard, down a street, and find its way into the stormwater system. In addition, it leaves a large quantity of nutrients that can burn out grasses by overfeeding them, creating a spotty looking lawn.

Q. I don’t walk my dog near a creek or river. How does my dog’s waste get there?
A. When it rains, pet waste and other pollutants (litter, oil, etc.) are carried into storm drains, through pipes, and into the river system. Think of the situation this way: “When it Rains, it Drains.”

Q. Why doesn’t the sewage treatment plant clean this water before it reaches the river?
A. Sewage treatment plants process waste water from indoor plumbing. Sewage treatment plants do not treat rain water.