City Trash Services

Front end loader dumping yard debris into the bed of a large truck parked in the street. Large brush pile is visible in the foreground.

City of New Port Richey Waste Removal

After several years of research surrounding solid waste collection systems—considering factors like service quality, economics, and overall community impact—the City of New Port Richey has concluded that partnering with a single waste collection service provider for all solid waste, yard debris, and recycling services within city limits will prove the most universally favorable option for residents and businesses.

Out of many options, the City elected to contract with Waste Pro of Florida d.b.a. J.D. Parker and Sons, a business with local roots and over 75 years of service in our city. Its origins trace back to 1949 when John Henry Parker started hauling trash for his neighbors in the back of his pickup truck for a quarter a can.

"We’re the oldest waste hauler in Pasco, and we’ve been here in New Port Richey since the beginning,” says Dave Parker, Division Manager of J.D. Parker & Sons. “We're extremely connected to this city, so this partnership holds a lot of meaning for us. According to City Manager Debbie L. Manns, “J.D. Parker and Sons is a standout business in our community—not only for their long-standing history of service to our city, but also for their exceptional customer service and strong business ethics.”

The company's commitment to top-notch service is evident in its recent investments in state-of-the-art equipment to support this partnership. It is also backed by a pledge to remain an accessible local business.

I think we’re a great fit for the city because we have access to big resources, but we’re still a local business with an open-door policy,” Parker adds. “If you have a question or an issue, call us or come into the office...we’ll always be there to help."  The partnership went into effect on March 2, 2024.


Temporary Service Hold

If your home was heavily damaged by the hurricanes of 2024 and you would like to place your solid waste and/or water services on a temporary service hold, please complete the attached document.  This document can be brought to our office at 5919 Main Street, New Port Richey Fl. 34652 to the Billing and Collection Department on the first floor or emailed to Document must be completed in its entirety in order to be reviewed by staff.

Temporary-Service-Hold-Request-Form.pdf(PDF, 139KB)  


Vacation Hold

To place your services on a vacation hold each residential curbside solid waste collection customer may request discontinuance of solid waste collection services for a period of no less than three (3) consecutive months, so long as the water account is in the name of said owner, the water service is discontinued for the same duration as solid waste services, and both the solid waste and water account are current. The owner shall pay a service interruption fee and a resumption of service fee.  This document can be brought to our office at 5919 Main Street, New Port Richey Fl. 34652 to the Billing and Collection Department on the first floor or emailed to Document must be completed in its entirety in order to be reviewed by staff.


Home Owner Associations

If you are an HOA and would like to have the solid waste collection bills for the properties in your community billed to the association, please fill out the attached document. This document can be delivered to the Billing & Collection office located at 5919 Main Street, New Port Richey, Fl. 34652 located on the first floor or emailed to

Community-Association-Solid-Waste-Billing-Agreement.pdf(PDF, 750KB)



Frequency Quarterly Fee
2/wk $59.28
Special Pick-Up Large Item (per item) $33.45
Special Pick-Up Large Furniture (per item) $27.88
Special Pick-Up Tires (per tire) $27.88
Special Pick-Up Extra Debris (per cubic yard) $27.88
96-gallon Trash Cart Purchase $83.63
64-gallon Recycling Cart Purchase $78.05
Cart Monthly Rental (96-gallon & 64-gallon) $5.58
Service Interruption $25.00
Resume Service $25.00
Frequency Monthly Fee Extra Pick-Up Fee (per occurrence)
1/wk $26.36 $16.73
2/wk $43.08 $16.73
3/wk $65.70 $16.73
4/wk $89.09 $16.73
Monthly Collection Fee by Frequency Second Container Delivery/Removal Fee
(Extra Lift Fee will also apply)
Extra Pick-Up Lift Fee
(per occurrence)
Dumpster Size 1/wk 2/wk 3/wk 4/wk 5/wk 6/wk
2 yards $43.45 $86.90 $128.12 $151.51 $173.46 $218.56 $167.25 $26.69
4 yards $79.18 $158.35 $237.52 $316.69 $331.66 $371.46 $167.25 $53.39
6 yards $103.27 $206.54 $309.81 $413.07 $435.85 $479.44 $167.25 $80.08
8 yards $119.73 $239.47 $359.20 $478.94 $523.25 $627.89 $167.25 $106.77
Overload Containers $11.15 per yard
Gate Service $22.30 per month
Locks/Lock bars $27.88 per month
Roll out service $27.88 per month
Container switch out One free per year; $111.50 for each additional switch.
Delivery Fee $223.00
Haul Rate - Open top roll off container $373.53 plus disposal fees
Haul Rate - Compactors $429.28 plus disposal fees


In accordance with the provisions outlined in the contract with the City of New Port Richey’s single hauler, Waste Pro, a rate increase of 5.23% will be applied to all single-family residential, commercial, and multi-family services, effective April 1, 2025.


Frequency Quarterly Fee
2/wk $69.37
Special Pick-Up Large Item (per item) $36.11
Special Pick-Up Large Furniture (per item) $30.10
Special Pick-Up Tires (per tire) $30.10
Special Pick-Up Extra Debris (per cubic yard) $30.10
96-gallon Trash Cart Purchase $90.29
64-gallon Recycling Cart Purchase $84.27
Cart Monthly Rental (96-gallon & 64-gallon) $6.02
Service Interruption $25.00
Resume Service $25.00
Frequency Monthly Fee Extra Pick-Up Fee (per occurrence)
1/wk $26.36 $18.06
2/wk $43.08 $18.06
3/wk $65.70 $18.06
4/wk $89.09 $18.06
Monthly Collection Fee by Frequency Second Container Delivery/Removal Fee
(Extra Lift Fee will also apply)
Extra Pick-Up Lift Fee
(per occurrence)
Dumpster Size 1/wk 2/wk 3/wk 4/wk 5/wk 6/wk
2 yards $46.91 $93.83 $138.33 $163.58 $187.28 $235.97 $180.57 $28.82
4 yards $67.25 $134.48 $201.73 $268.97 $287.13 $335.94 $180.57 $57.64
6 yards $111.50 $223.00 $334.50 $445.98 $470.58 $517.64 $180.57 $86.46
8 yards $129.27 $258.55 $387.81 $517.09 $564.93 $677.91 $180.57 $115.28
Overload Containers $12.04 per yard
Gate Service $24.08 per month
Locks/Lock bars $30.10 per month
Roll out service $30.10 per month
Container switch out One free per year; $120.38 for each additional switch.
Delivery Fee $258.13
Haul Rate - Open top roll off container $432.37 plus disposal fees
Haul Rate - Compactors $496.90 plus disposal fees





Who is the city's solid waste collection provider?

Waste Pro dba JD Parker & Sons is the single-hauler of solid waste services for all residents and businesses in the City of New Port Richey. Please contact JD Parker with any questions or concerns, 727-841-4260.

What are the trash pick up days?

All residential solid waste to be collected on Mondays and Thursdays between the hours of 6:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m., where commercial solid waste may be picked up any day of the week, except Sunday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.


Who do I call for a missed pick-up?

You may contact J.D. Parker & Sons for a missed pick-up at (727)841-4260.


Will the City of New Port Richey continue to provide the Spring/Fall Clean-Up programs?

Under the new program, residents may request up to two special pick-ups per year for bulk items at no additional charge. However, the program is limited to two bulk items each year. These items may include large or small appliances. Additionally, the City will continue to host the Spring and Fall Clean-Up days as it has done in the past. During these events, residents may dispose of unwanted items at either Frances Avenue Park or the old S. River Rd Church property.


Who is responsible for the bill?

Property owners will be sent and are responsible for the bill.


Who is sending the bill?

New Port Richey Billing & Collections will be issuing bills for residential customers, while J.D. Parker & Sons will be issuing bills for commercial services.


Why am I paying two solid waste fees?

Pasco county assesses properties for Solid Waste to operate and maintain the landfill, while the City's Solid Waste Collection Fee is to collect and transport to the landfill for proper disposal.


Can I suspend my services?

Each residential curbside solid waste collection customer may request discontinuance of solid waste collection services for a period of no less than three (3) consecutive months, so long as the water account is in the name of said owner, the water service is discontinued for the same duration as solid waste services, and both the solid waste and water account are current. The owner shall pay a service interruption fee and a resumption of service fee.