Next date: Friday, March 14, 2025 | 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Free for SilverSneakers and Members or $5.00 drop-in
Birch Room
Perfect For Active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance!
New Port Richey Recreation & Aquatics Center, 6630 Van Buren Street, New Port Richey, FL, 34653, View Map
6630 Van Buren Street , New Port Richey, FL 34653