Police Pension Board
The Police Pension Boards determine the amount of all retirement allowances or other benefits for their respective groups. The Boards also receive and process all applications for benefits.
Police Pension Board
Pension Administrator: T. Scott Baker
Current Members:
Glenwood Pratt, Chairman
Sergeant Timothy Berge, Secretary/Treasurer (Department elected)
Sergeant Gregory Williams (Department elected)
Heather Fiorentino (City-appointed, City resident)
2023 NPR Police Pension Actuarial Valuation Report(PDF, 893KB)
2023 NPR Police Pension Chapter 112.664 Compliance Report(PDF, 425KB)
2023 NPR Police Pension 60t SB 534 Disclosure(PDF, 187KB)
2023 NPR Police Pension Financial Statements(PDF, 1MB)
Records Request Notice – Police Pension Board(PDF, 25KB)
The New Port Richey Police Pension System’s funded ratio as determined in the most recent actuarial valuation: 108.3% on a market Value of assets basis as of October 1, 2023.