Historic Preservation Board
The Historic Preservation Board is chartered with the power, authority and jurisdiction to regulate and administer historical, archaeological and architectural resources in the City and to recommend resources for historic designation to the City Council. The Board shall consist of nine members and two alternate members, all of whom shall be residents of the City. Terms shall be for two or three years. Members of the Board shall preferably have knowledge of architecture, history, and/or the historical or architectural development of the City, or at minimum, have a deep concern for historic preservation, development and enhancement of the City’s historical resources. Members shall be from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, art history, archaeology, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, real estate, building construction, or other historic preservation related disciplines. Persons who have demonstrated experience, special interest, or knowledge in history, architecture or related disciplines shall make up the balance of the board when such professionals are not available for appointment to the Board.
Staff Liaison: TBD
Bob Langford
Frank Starkey
Bonnie Martin
Beva Stevenson-Karay
Kelly Smallwood (alternate)
John Kane (alternate)