Utilities Maintenance


Gravity Mains

This division maintains 60.43 miles of gravity sewer line, ranging in diameter from 6 inches to 14 inches. Maintenance includes digging up and repairing broken lines, rehabilitating existing sewer lines, and the cleaning of gravity lines through inflow and infiltration smoke testing leak detection programs, pressure cleaners, and TV video inspections.

Some sewer lines in the city are 79 years old. The maintenance of gravity sewer lines includes the cleaning, repair, and upkeep of over 1,725 manholes.

Force Mains

There are over 28 miles of sewage force mains, ranging in diameter from 4 inches to 16 inches. Maintenance of the force mains consists of maintaining air release valves that prevent air blockages.

Damage Control

In an effort to prevent damage by other utilities and contractors, the City of New Port Richey participates in theSunshine State One Callprogram, the statewide notification center. In response to receiving location requests from Sunshine State One Call, individual utility lines are marked with color codes to prevent damage.

Lift Stations

Currently, there are 64 sanitary lift stations managed by the City. Each station has two pumps and motors ranging in size from 2.5-60 horsepower. Maintenance of the stations includes mechanical repairs to the pumps and motors, adjustment and repair of the motor control cabinets, removal of pumps, and checking for correct electrical data and the proper operation of the system.

On August 30, 2000, the city lift stations began to be put on our new state of the art supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. This system talks directly to a computer at our home office, giving us advanced notice of any problems and the ability to monitor and operate the lift stations remotely.

Contact Us

Emanuel Garcia
Sewer Collection Field Supervisor