Reclaimed Water


Reclaimed water is the final product of a multiple-stage advanced treatment program, which eliminates pathogens (solids, organics, and viruses) and still retains nitrogen and phosphorous elements that work as fertilizers to enhance ornamental plant and turf grass growth. This treatment process produces a water product ideal for lawn sprinkling, but not suitable for human consumption, primarily due to the chemical salts or nutrients that remain in the water.

Nutrient Elements and pH Levels

The following nutrient elements are what remain in reclaimed water and have pH levels that range from 6.8 to 7.2:

  • Aluminum
  • Boron
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Chromium
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Manganese
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Molybdenum
  • Nickel
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc


Protecting Our Ground Water Resources

Urbanization in and around environmentally-sensitive ground water basins makes it necessary to pursue stricter water withdrawal policies. As the demand for fresh water increases in Florida and around the globe, the challenge to develop alternative water sources to satisfy future needs has become critical.

Over the past two decades, science and technology have been striving to develop economical ways to approach fresh water scarcity issues. Reclamation and reuse are now recognized as an outstanding trendsetter in water management, and a proven method to conserve fresh water supplies.

Where Our Water Goes

Water-use studies reveal that in many communities, up to 50% of the water that flows through water meters each month is used to maintain landscape and turf grass. This trend is changing in New Port Richey since irrigation water can be satisfied with the reclaimed water program.

Sprinkling with reclaimed water is not much different from sprinkling with well or tap water. Please keep in mind that this resource is regulated. To take advantage of the program, you must already have or be willing to install a sprinkler system. Existing sprinkler systems can be connected with little or no modifications. Reclaimed water is a nutrient-rich by-product of a biological treatment process. Due to its origin and composition, the use of reclaimed water is restricted by federal, state, and local ordinances.


Cross Connection Control Policy

Installation and Connection Fees

The City of New Port Richey recently passed an Ordinance for better payment options for initial meter installation/ connection fees for reclaimed water. To obtain reclaimed water you must contact the City's Billing and Collections Office located at 5919 Main Street in City Hall. You may also contact them via telephone at (727)-853-1061. Below you will see a breakdown of charges for initial connection.

  • ¾” Residential reclaimed water service and meter installation/connection: $150.00
  • ¾” Backflow prevention assembly installation/assembly testing: $150.00
  • Backflow prevention assembly repairs (if necessary): $25.00
  • Replacement of backflow prevention assembly (if necessary): $100.00

All residential reclaimed water service installations, reclaimed water meter installations, backflow prevention assembly installations, backflow prevention assembly testing, backflow prevention assembly repairs and backflow prevention assembly replacements will be completed by certified City of New Port Richey Public Works staff.

Payment Plan Option 1: A one-time payment of $300.00 made at the Billing and Collections office which will cover the cost of reclaimed water service installation, reclaimed water meter installation and backflow prevention assembly installation and testing. * Note: This does not include the monthly flat rate for reclaimed water.

Payment Plan Option 2: Monthly Payments for One Year. A monthly payment of $25.00 made at the Billing and Collections office which will cover the cost of the reclaimed water service installations, reclaimed water meter installation and backflow prevention assembly installation and testing. A $25.00 charge will be added to the customer's water bill until the $300.00 total cost is met. * Note: This does not include the monthly flat rate for reclaimed water. Also note: Upon early termination of the reclaimed water of the reclaimed water account before payments are made in full, the remaining balance of the connection fee will be due in full before the account can be closed.

Payment Plan Option 3: Monthly Payments for Two Years. A monthly payment of $12.50 made at the Billing and Collections office which will cover the cost of the reclaimed water service installations, reclaimed water meter installation and backflow prevention assembly installation and testing. A $12.50 charge will be added to the customer's water bill until the $300.00 total cost is met. * Note: This does not include the monthly flat rate for reclaimed water. Also note: Upon early termination of the reclaimed water of the reclaimed water account before payments are made in full, the remaining balance of the connection fee will be due in full before the account can be closed.

Currently, the monthly service flat rate for a 5/8" reclaimed water connection is $17.56


Responsibilities for Installing Residential Reclaimed Water and Backflow Assembly

Public Works staff will:

  • Install the reclaimed water meter and make sure that the meter is ready for irrigation connection on the customer's side of the reclaimed water meter.
  • Install the backflow assembly on the customer's of the potable water meter in a box.
  • Test the backflow assembly upon installation.
  • Perform a required cross-connection inspection once the reclaimed water irrigation system is pressurized to make sure that the potable water and reclaimed water are not connected.
  • Make sure the customer has signed the "Water Heater Thermal Expansion and Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve Acknowledgement and Awareness Form" and make sure the customer has received all other brochures, reclaimed water information, etc.

Public Works stall will not:

  • Be responsible for connection of the irrigation system to be the reclaimed water meter on the customer's side of the reclaimed water meter.
  • Be responsible for disconnecting the existing potable water feed to an existing irrigation system and connecting it to the reclaimed water service.
  • Be responsible for installation and or inspection of the temperature and pressure relief valve on the customer's water heater.
  • Be responsible for the installation of the customer's irrigation system

Contact Us

Mike Bryson
Utilities Operations Manager