Development Overview:
Building a better tomorrow, starting today. It is the Development Department's mission to enhance the City's position as the business, financial and cultural heart of West Pasco County, by ensuring the safe conditions of existing buildings, making sure new developments are aesthetically pleasing, functionally relevant, and enhancing the residential and commercial core of the city.
The Development Department coordinates the approval processes for building, planning, zoning, and redevelopment activities in the city. The department ensures that existing properties and newly constructed buildings meet all applicable codes and regulations. It also provides comprehensive planning services and zoning information.
Refer to each of these web pages for more information:
Zoning Information Available through Development Department:
The Development Department is your source for information about zoning on all parcels within the city limits. Below is a link to the city maps. This map does change, so please call for the latest information. The zoning information on the Pasco County Property Appraiser website may be inaccurate.
Fair Housing Public Service Announcement
Fair Housing Public Service Announcement